The PZU Group is aware that insurance services, banking and investment activity are areas in which decisions of Group companies may influence client behaviors and, as a consequence, also their attitude towards the natural environment, the importance of respecting human rights and ethically doing business.
PZU’s insurance business is oriented towards providing insurance products tailored to the needs of individual and corporate clients in various sectors of the economy. The Group’s highest priority is to properly respond to the current needs of the Polish market and economy in accordance with national and EU regulations (including those safeguarding the principles of fair competition and permitting cooperation only with those business clients whose activity, according to PZU’s knowledge, complies with the applicable laws). The complexity of needs and, consequently, of the offering has led PZU do provide insurance cover also to entities operating in the mining and power sectors. Besides traditional operations consuming coal and other fossil fuels, clients from this group also develop their activities in renewable energy sources. Moreover, the PZU Group is fully aware that the transformation process of the Polish economy towards carbon neutrality will require commitment and investment by commercial undertakings currently operating in the power sector. To enable a successful and orderly transformation, financial products, including loans and insurance policies, must be available to entities doing business in this sector.
ESG strategy indicator: Development of insurance offerings for technologies supporting the energy and climate transition in Poland
Level of implementation 2022: Two insurance products for corporate clients and one product for individual client and SMEs.
Corporate clients
Due to the scale of impact that its corporate clients have, PZU Group systematically grows the product offering addressed to those clients precisely. The PZU Group aims to deliver solutions which will support them on their path towards climate neutrality. This is the PZU Group’s response to the largest climate challenges. Thanks to its products on offer, the PZU Group contributes to a lesser adverse environmental impact, and its offering is adjusted so that it accounts for the specific nature of the Polish economy.
Addressing the needs arising from the growing renewable energy market, PZU has included insurance for corporate clients who invested in RES in its offer. The PZU Energia Wiatru (PZU Wind Power) and PZU Energia Słońca (PZU Solar Power) policies are twin products that protect wind and solar power plants in the event of a failure, damage or destruction. These policies also give clients protection against civil liability and loss of profit caused by material damages. Both policies offer protection for the equipment designed to generate energy (the PZU Wind Power: gondolas, towers, foundations, internal cabling and the PZU Solar Power: photovoltaic panels, their construction, internal cabling, inverters) and all of the accompanying infrastructure: energy storage units, underground cable connections, overhead power cables, fiber optic cables, equipment to export the capacity to the power grid and the auxiliary infrastructure: fencing, lighting, oversight systems, internal roads, buildings housing the station and the switch board and equipment.
TUW PZUW operates in the insurance segment for corporate clients, medical operators and public institutions and takes climate issues into account in its offering in a comprehensive manner also by including the offer for renewable energy sources. The specific nature of business insurance provided by a mutual insurance company involves the execution of insurance contracts by way of negotiation based on an individual risk assessment, with insurance programs attuned to the individual needs and expectations of its members. According to the ESG “Sustainable Development” strategy TUW PZUW is also a partner in the green transition of the Polish economy. It is pursuing its obligations by insuring entities in the broadly understood coal energy sector which are in the process of changing their so-called energy mix, in particular taking into account those areas of activities of energy companies that develop renewable energy sources, i.e., wind parks, solar farms, water plant networks and biogas plants. TUW PZUW has in its offer the insurance products for wind farms, Siła Wiatru (“Power of the Wind”) and for photovoltaic installations, Moc Słońca (“Power of the Sun”). This is comprehensive property insurance against all risks, including against damage and loss of profit, as well as liability insurance associated with the operation of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels.
This service allows a more cost efficient energy management in buildings and reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The Smart Energy Management System makes it possible to integrate all material energy sources with a view to limiting its unnecessary or excessive consumption. Combining modern information technology, monitoring of living conditions in buildings, algorithmic control of significant energy-consuming equipment while in use and when idle may bring savings of up to 15 to 30%. Benefits of implementing the Smart Energy Management System – lower consumption of all sorts of energy – and tangibly lower CO2 emissions are in line with the companies’ need to adjust to the challenges related to the situation on the energy market and potential limited access thereto.
The PZU Group sees to it that the environmental impact of its product is limited not only in the process of creating and offering it, but throughout its whole life cycle. On the one hand, this is additional support for PZU Group clients, contributing to reducing their environmental impact. On the other hand, this is the way in which the PZU Group address its adverse environmental impact in the value chain. Within the PZU iAgro initiative, it implements a service allowing clients to reduce the costs of agricultural production and optimize environmental impact. The aim of the project is:
- optimize and make accurate the level of consumption of plant protection products per hectare of crops;
- reduce the number and costs of plant protection treatments;
- allow the use of natural or mechanical plant-care procedures instead of spraying;
- provide access to several dozen disease models;
- implement prevention policies for PZU clients (the client can access the crop damage risk estimation system, alerts and warnings);
- provide clients with support in reducing CO2 emissions.
PZU iAgro system involves specialist measurement stations (of more than a dozen parameters), software with advanced AI algorithms and disease models, online data review and management platforms (incl. disease alerts). The assumptions of PZU iAgro and its pilot (in 2021-2022) also involved building a program and method of measuring CO2 balance in agricultural production. In the wider rollout of the PZU iAgro service, the so-called CO2 calculator will form part of the solution offered to PZU clients. The system of monitoring and signaling pests and infections allows pinpointing when and to what extent protective procedures should be applied. A procedure carried out too late, or a wrongly identified pathogen, may decrease the quality of the crops. This contributes to financial losses. Within the pilot in 2022, 13 clients reported a reduction in CO2 emissions by 35 tons
The growing interest in electric vehicles on the part of car fleets, arising from changes in EU legislation and the Polish act on electric mobility and alternative fuels, have led to PZU growing its efforts in this regard. Along with the technological operator of PZU iFlota, PZU has implemented a prevention program based on a fleet management information system for corporate fleet clients. The program allows an additional advisory module for those PZU clients who are transitioning from a gas to electric fleet. The aim of PZU iFlota EV is to support clients in making their fleet more secure, and at the same time facilitating the process of fleet electrification which will be key in the coming years in reducing CO2 emissions in the fleet market. PZU also made available reports, a configurator, and a calculator to evidence the cost efficiency of electric mobility – the tool being publicly available on PZU iFlota’s website
Best practices of subsidiaries
TUW PZUW offers insurance to companies acting in segments using low-emission natural gas-based energy sources (such as Gaz System, PLNG, new Baltic Pipe investments). It supports new environmentally friendly investment projects in the power sector that satisfy stringent environmental requirements imposed by the EU and replace less environmentally effective assets. Additionally, TUW PZUW creates and promotes its own fire safety standards in an attempt at reducing the number of fires in business entities, thus contributing to a decrease in the emission of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere and surface and ground waters.

Individual clients and SMEs
The PZU Group intensifies its efforts related to its “green” product offering not only with respect to solutions for corporate or institutional clients. It also addresses the needs of small and medium enterprises. Involving these firms in environmental protection efforts has the potential of generating significant benefits. That is why, as part of PZU Doradca offering, that is addressed to SMEs, PZU protects:
- photovoltaic installations, including photovoltaic farms;
- wind farms (windmills);
- biogas-fired plants – devices for generating gas energy from biomass;
- sewage treatment plants.
Moreover, the insurance cover protects third party property used by the insured company to render services and may be purchased by firms that install photovoltaic panels for retail customers. Such cooperation supports rapid sales of photovoltaic installations, but above all protects users against any damage to their equipment. The offering targeted at SMEs also includes third party liability insurance for damage to the natural environment (e.g. covering the costs of removing leaked substances from soil).
In property insurance, PZU offers a product which covers equipment generating energy from renewable sources. The insurance also covers owners of photovoltaic installations against the risk of disruptions in or lower efficiency of electricity generation. PZU Eko Energia (PZU Eco Energy), is a solution addressed to, i.a., households as well as small and medium enterprises and farms which use photovoltaic cells, solar thermal collectors or heat pumps to generate energy for their own use. The insurance is available in three variants, and clients may select the one best tailored to their needs. The PZU Eko Energia policy protects photovoltaic installations (including a car charger and battery) against all risks, meaning loss, damage or total damage as a result, e.g. of a failure, fire, power surge, flood, wind gust, hail or other sudden weather phenomena as well as vandalism and theft.
PZU offers a new scope of motor own damage insurance for the owners of electrical vehicles. It covers damages to chargers, including a wallbox and charging wires and the battery. This responds to the growing popularity of electrical vehicles. As shown by the Polish Association of Alternative Fuels, as at the end of October 2022, there were 56.9 thousand personal cars and 2.6 thousand delivery cars and trucks with electric drives registered in Poland (59.5 thousand in total). This represents a 72% increase against the corresponding period in 2021, whereas the increase in personal cars was 39%, and as much as 137% in delivery cars and trucks. The number of electric buses, mopeds and motorcycles is also growing. This new clause means that the owners of electrical vehicles who buy a motor own damage policy can count on protection in the event of damages to those parts of an electrical vehicle that result, among other things, from theft, overburdening the installation, overheating, circuit break, drop in voltage and damage due to gross negligence. The sum insured for cables and batteries is specified in the MOD insurance agreement. For a charger it is set separately and totals PLN 3,000. The development of charging infrastructure is conducive to the growing number of vehicles. Figures as at the end of October 2022 show that users of plug-in cars in Poland have 2,494 publicly available charging stations across the country (4,821 points), and only in October, 34 new publicly available charging stations (83 new points) were launched. Forecasts say that the number of electric vehicles will rise eightfold compared to 2022 by 2025. Therefore, it is extremely important to further develop the publicly available charging structure, especially for delivery cars and trucks, which will affect the further development of PZU’s offerings.
The PZU Group sees to it that the environmental impact of its product is limited not only in the process of creating and offering them, but throughout its whole life cycle. This in particular concerns the claims handling process. Within TPL and MOD insurance, an innovative process called Green Parts is in place, which regulates the question of disposing waste produced in repairing the damaged vehicle. Annually, PZU covers the cost of producing around 4 million spare parts. It assumes responsibility for managing the remains of damaged vehicles (parts replaced with new ones) in accordance with the requirements of generally applicable laws. Improper disposal of damaged vehicle parts creates an environmental hazard. That is why Green Parts partners who receive remains of vehicles after repair are companies experienced in disposing motor vehicles and spare parts. They hold all the required permits. Their professionalism and reputation guarantee that each part provided to them is handled in line with legal regulations and best environmental standards. The technical condition of damaged vehicle parts may pose a threat to human health and lives. In collaboration with a network of qualified partners, we make efforts to ensure that all parts (qualified for replacement due to damage) are replaced rather than refurbished. PZU’s actions in this area are also aimed at reducing the volume of trade on the secondary market for salvage that has lost its safety features. An important element limiting the environmental impact within the claims handling process is also the ability to rent a replacement electric car which positively contributes to lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
In response to the growing environmental and climate awareness of individual investors, PZU Group companies are introducing products in its offer that allow them to invest in sustainable projects.
TFI PZU offers an investment product which promotes the environmental aspect referred to in Article 8 SFDR (Regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector), i.e., the so-called light-green product. inPZU Akcje Sektora Zielonej Energii is a subfund within inPZU SFIO which acts an indexation fund that aims to reflect the mix and reach the return rate equal to the MSCI Global Alternative Energy Net Return Index. TFI PZU analyzes whether it is possible to introduce further similar funds in its offering, so that investors can enjoy a broader range of investment products in line of the ESG trend.
Pekao TFI offers the Environmental Pekao subfund, oriented towards supporting sustainable investment. Companies from environmentallyfriendly and pro-ecological sectors were selected as part of its portfolio (renewable energy, electromobility, energy efficiency, recycling and waste management). When analyzing their selection, on top of financial factors, ESG issues were equally important, namely environment, social and governance-related aspects.
PZU Group banks are engaged in efforts to support SME clients on their path towards climate neutrality. Alior Bank offers Biznes Kredyt Zakupowy, a loan to implement environmental initiatives. This loan is for commercial undertakings in the micro company and small and medium enterprise segment that plan to roll out modern tools to minimize the adverse impact exerted by a company’s business on the natural environment. The loan funds may be designated, among other things, to purchase and assemble photovoltaic panels, purchase ecological cars with an electrical or hybrid engine, thermal modernization of real estate or the purchase and assembly of a new source of heat. The collateral for the loan is the guarantee of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego: a de minimis guarantee and bills of exchange for Alior Bank and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.
PZU Group banks have prepared a special credit offering for individual clients. In 2022, Alior Bank continued to offer „Czyste Powietrze” (“Clean Air”) Cash and Installment Loan to finance, among other things, the replacement of old heat sources, purchase and installation of new heat sources, thermal modernization of single-family buildings, and purchase of photovoltaic installation together with new heat sources. The Environmental Loan – a special loan for clients planning to purchase a new electric vehicle – was offered until the end of May 2022.
In 2022, Bank Pekao offered Express Loan for environmental purposes, such as renewable energy sources, purchase of central heating boilers, windows, doors, or materials for thermal insulation. The loan could also be used to finance the purchase of personal cars with electric or hybrid drives, or mopeds and motorcycles with electric drives, electric bikes, as well as to refinance the purchases made since the beginning of 2021. The Bank also offered EKO Kredyt Mieszkaniowy (ECO Residential Loan). Financing was available to install solar collectors, photovoltaic panels and heat pumps during the construction or renovation of a property.
Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
Bicycle instead of a replacement car
In April 2022, just as in previous years, PZU launched the “Bicycle instead of a replacement car” program. Under this program, clients who get into an accident and the necessary repairs last 7 days or more, may choose from a replacement vehicle, for the time of the repair, or a bicycle to keep. The program aims to promote a healthy lifestyle and the care for the natural environment and emissions reduction. Additionally, PZU promotes replacement electric cars as an alternative for combustion-engine cars.
Best practices of subsidiaries
Assistance TUW PZUW
TUW PZUW offers its clients an assistance insurance product through which it promotes repairing damaged equipment instead of purchasing new devices. It is designed to generate financial savings for the client and helps to protect the environment by reducing waste. Owing to their cooperation with TUW PZUW, power companies offer to their clients TUW PZUW’s Fachowcy product, that enables arranging and performing repairs of home equipment and devices. It is also a response to the changing trends, growing awareness among consumers, the need to protect the environment. Under this offering, customers of power companies may take advantage of professional support in the event of a failure of electrical devices (electronics, household appliances, computers), heating and air conditioning systems, internal electricity, gas, water and sewage installations, doors, locks, etc.
Investment in and support of energy transition
At PZU, we understand the role of our institution in Poland’s financial and economic system, so we believe that we have an important role to play in the transformation of our economy. For this reason, we approach this as a strategic challenge but also an opportunity for both our Group and Poland more broadly. The PZU Group has already introduced a number of solutions and products both on the insurance side but also on the investment business side. We are currently doing further work to offer our customers new products, especially investment products. We are taking this very seriously and want to make sure that this offer will fulfill the highest standards and criteria in this area.
A broad approach to investments supporting energy transition is an important direction of and visible change in how we approach climate impact management. In line with the strategic commitment, TFI PZU and PZU added ESG topics to the traditional risk assessment criteria. These include, among other things, debt or equity market scoring methodologies, and ESG factors accounted for in all stages of the investment process.
In 2022, we developed a uniform methodology for assessing investment portfolio assets. Several tools allowing ongoing portfolio monitoring in line with this methodology were also implemented. Analysis shows that a majority of those assets is included in internal or external ratings/assessments/reports. Assets totaling PLN 55 billion were analyzed, two-thirds of which are PZU Group portfolios. The analysis covered bonds, equities, as well as private debt, private equity and property portfolios. PZU also developed an ESG scoring methodology for countries and corporate issuers used by the Group.
ESG strategy indicator: Assessment in terms of ESG factors of 55% of investments in ESG-sensitive sectors
Level of implementation 2022 82% of investments assessed against ESG factors
TFI PZU examined the potential of the ESG investment market. The analysis covered, first and foremost, the condition and prospects for the global ESG investment market. It was characterized by dynamic growth in recent years, and according to forecasts indicated in the analysis, one may expect further dynamic increases in assets. Additionally, TFI PZU conducted a detailed analysis of the potential of the Polish investment market both in terms of increase in assets managed but also investment prospects for individual asset categories.

Financing wind farms in Poland
In 2022, PZU and TFI PZU continued actions started in the previous year in terms of financing energy transition in Poland. In march 2022, TFI PZU started financing a wind farm in Biały Bór with a target installed capacity of 144.9 MW. The project is located in the West Pomerania and will consist of 42 turbines with a unit capacity of 3.45 MW each. The sponsors of the project are the Spanish group specializing in RES projects, Uriel Renewables, and the French financial investor, Mirova, part of the Natixis group. In April 2022, TFI PZU granted financing to construct 4 wind farms with the total power of 108 MW. The projects are located in Pruszcz, Markowice (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region), Piaski and Wyszki (Wielkopolskie Region). The project sponsor is the experienced Dutch infrastructure fund DIF Capital Partners, whose completed investments in renewable energy reach 3.3 GW globally. According to the schedule, the two smaller projects (Wyszki, Piaski) were completed in the third quarter of 2022, while the other two (Pruszcz, Markowice) should be completed in early 2023.
Annual production of wind farms financed by the PZU Group should provide green electricity for over 800,000 households in Poland.
ESG strategy indicator: Increase of the current exposure to investments supporting climate and energy transition by o PLN 500 million in 2021-2024
Level of implementation 2022: The engagement of PZU and TFI PZU in investments supporting the climate and energy transition increased by PLN 716.7 million since 2021.
In 2022, Alior Bank providing financing auction project in renewable energy sources (RES). The offering is addressed to entrepreneurs who won an auction for energy sales held by the Energy Regulatory Office. Within this model, the bank proposes financing for the construction of new wind or photovoltaic plants over 500 kW. Special-purpose small, medium and large vehicles managed by investors who are experienced in implementing RES projects may avail themselves of this offering. The advantage is the opportunity to finance as much as 80% of capital expenditures and adjust the installments to seasonal increases and decreases in energy sales, along with the long repayment period correlated to the duration of auction assistance. Alior Bank also offered a thermal modernization loan earmarked for financing thermal modernization in the residential sector focusing mainly on housing cooperatives, housing communities and building societies (TBS). This loan is co-financed using funds from Regional Operational Programs for the following regions: Lower Silesia, Łódź, Lesser Poland, Podlaskie, Pomerania and Kujawy-Pomerania.
In 2022, Alior Bank offered financing for thermal modernization as loans with bonuses from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The BGK bonus not subject to repayment to be used as a source of partial amortization of the financing for energy modernization or renovating buildings is just one of the new offer’s strong suits. Housing cooperatives and communities and local governments from across Poland can also count on a high amount of funding: up to PLN 5 million, a long term of funding: up to 20 years and reimbursement for the costs of the audit and technical documentation.
In line with the 2021 strategic declaration, Bank Pekao continues its operations in sustainable finance, such as social and environmental projects and ESG bond issue support for its clients. Bank Pekao chiefly intends to see to a major reduction in financing high-emission projects in the credit portfolio.
- consortium financing for the construction of photovoltaic farms at PLN 779 million;
- financing for the construction of the largest photovoltaic farms at target output of 285.6 MW, at PLN 763 million;
- financing for the purchase and revitalization of magazine parks at PLN 450 million;
- consortium financing for the construction of over 100 photovoltaic farms at PLN 428 million;
- financing for a company belonging to the Bank Pekao group in cooperation with the European Investment Bank at EUR 132 million and the Council of Europe Development Bank at EUR 200 million. In both transactions Bank Pekao serves as arranger and guarantor for financing;
- financing the acquisition of a foreign renewable energy sector company at EUR 131 million. The bank served as MLA;
- financing the leader of the Polish energy industry, as one of its original lenders. The loan amounted to PLN 4 billion;
- financing within an investment consortium for a leading producer and distributor of photovoltaic solutions at PLN 330 million.
Furthermore, Bank Pekao:
- organized and served as agent for the issue of bonds for Gdańskie Autobusy i Tramwaje at PLN 65 m;
- organized and served as agent for the issue of bonds for Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna at PLN 34 m;
- organized and served as agent for the issue of bonds for Agencja Rozwoju Miasta Krakowa at PLN 65 m;
- served as agent for the issue of bonds for Stadion w Zabrzu Sp. z o.o. to expand sports infrastructure at PLN 103 m.
Adaptation to climate change
PZU has committed to include, in the wider sense, the ESG factors in its assessment of key clients and investments. According to the internal definition, the assessment covers the largest corporate insurance clients that operate in sectors which are highly and moderately sensitive to ESG risks and have a significant impact on PZU revenues.
Internal analyzes were used to select industries highly and moderately sensitive to ESG risks. These were carried out on the basis of data on national greenhouse gas emissions and the percentage contribution of individual industries to CO2 emissions. Furthermore, external data sources were used, including best market practices, guidelines from international organizations (OECD, UNEP FI, ECB) and leading rating agencies, as well as regulatory requirements (EU Taxonomy).
Highly sensitive sectors include those industries that rely most heavily on non-renewable energy sources, are responsible for the greatest level of greenhouse gas emissions from direct and indirect emissions, and have the greatest impact on environmental degradation. The following industries are classified to this group: the fuel industry, the mining industry and the conventional power industry. Mediumsensitive industries include: chemicals, transport, automotive, construction and agriculture.
The assessment of clients was carried out on the basis of two original methodologies for public and non-public entities. These methodologies were developed within the PZU Group under the supervision of PZU. Environmental, social and governance issues have been included in the methodology for public companies. The environmental area covers the following topics: greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint, impact of operations on biodiversity, energy intensity levels, waste management, current key company-defined environmental risks and their management, adoption of a climate neutrality target and decarbonization strategy. Issues defined in the social area include: respecting labor rights, ensuring safe working conditions, fair competition and social activities. The area of corporate governance encompasses: issues related to the diversity of management bodies, the prevention of corruption and unfair competition, the structure of management and supervisory bodies, the protection of minority shareholders’ rights, the link between the remuneration of management boards and the achievement of sustainability objectives. The assessment is carried out on the basis of public data, including non-financial reports and strategies, and data from an external provider. The final assessment also depends on the sector in which the company operates. Non-public companies are assessed based on a simplified ESG assessment questionnaire.
The application of the ESG criteria serves the purpose of risk assessment and is not exclusionary for clients. In the following years, further corporate clients will be assessed according to an internal schedule. In addition, proposals for translating ESG assessments into business relationships will be developed in 2023.
ESG strategy indicator: ESG assessment of 55% of the biggest corporate insurance clients from sectors sensitive to ESG risks
Level of implementation 2022: 20% of largest corporate insurance clients sensitive to the ESG risk assessed against ESG factors
PZU has tailored insurance offer for sectors most exposed to climate risk, such as agriculture. It covers the protection of crops, farm buildings, movable property (including agricultural equipment), livestock, poultry and apiaries as a result of fortuitous events including flood, hurricane, hail, torrential rain or lightning.
The environmental guarantee is a form of protection for companies whose activities may cause an adverse impact on the environment, e.g.: chemical plants, companies dealing in transborder movement of waste and municipal services plants. The guarantee is a commitment to pay a specified compensation if the company to which the guarantee has been granted fails to remove adverse environmental effects of its business operations. The beneficiary of this guarantee is the environmental protection authority issuing the relevant administrative instrument giving a permit to use natural resources.
As part of its cover business interruption insurance, PZU protects businesses whose profits decline, for instance as a result of damage to their assets caused by fire, flood, cyclone or other random events.
Additionally PZU offers two extended clauses for businesses holding third party liability insurance to cover damage to the environment. The first such clause extends the third party liability insurance cover to include losses arising in connection with the release of hazardous substances into the air, water or soil. The second clause extends the insurance cover to include liability for damage to the environment. Such clauses are offered predominantly to industrial operators, construction companies, utilities, wastewater treatment plants and waste management companies.
In 2022, PZU worked on a new insurance product to provide comprehensive cover for companies against environmental damage. The new solution will promote corporate clients who are aware of their impact on the environment and who are also guided in their operations by the responsibility for the condition of the environment. This is a solution for entrepreneurs who apply adequate safeguards so as not to cause environmental pollution in their day-to-day operations. The product has been in sale since January 2023. Within this insurance, PZU offers to cover costs efforts aimed at restoring the environment to the condition prior to damage. The insurance covers liability for damage to environment, including land, regardless of their ownership; liability for damage to protected species or habitats; costs of remedial action to repair or replace in an equivalent manner the natural components or their functions; costs of prevention or mitigation of damage to environment; third-party liability for recourse claims for costs of prevention and remedial works incurred and reported to the insurer by third parties.
The PZU Policy for Associations and Co-Operatives involves comprehensive insurance cover for housing associations and co-operatives as well as social construction associations. The cover may extend to the entire assets related to the operations in real property management. The product also involves cover against climate risk, including fire and other elements, floods, winds, thunder-strikes, rain, and inundation also due to melting snow. Addressing the needs of the clients from the group defined, including housing associations and co-operatives, in 2022, the insurance offer was enhanced thanks to the PZU Bezpieczne Lokum product. Owners of houses and residential units can now count on insurance cover for their movable and immovable property as regards such force majeure events as fire, hurricane, flood, inundation, explosion, power surge and devastation.
Within the claims handling process for crops, PZU has in place an innovative process for determining damage to winter grain using satellite teledetection. This solution determines the objective results and makes it possible to assess the damage to the crops in sites that are not easily accessible and at short order, which is very important when it comes to larger plots of land. The utilization of remote sensing methods is also applicable to damages under risks related to spring ground frosts and when determining the timing for harvesting crops for most field crops. In addition, work is underway to design a new remote sensor technology in damages caused by cyclone and torrential rain risks. By the end of 2022, drones helped to establish the scope of damage in 121 cases.
In cooperation with young researchers and engineers, PZU LAB has implemented a pioneer technological solution to monitor the effect of painting processes at the Gdańsk Renovation Shipyard on the surroundings and natural environment. The pollution detection system has automated the manual process of verifying paint particle deposition. This contributes to eliminating potential environmental problems and improving the processes involving painting vessel hulls. This is the first solution of this kind to be implemented in Polish shipyards. The design implements computer video monitoring. The artificial intelligence algorithms used allow detecting colors and shapes of the depositions and spattering. The tool activates in intervals within a 24/7 cycle, sends information on the density of deposition and its accrual in given spots to the database, along with an e-mail to relevant people. Thanks to this, paint particles deposits may be detected much faster compared to manual verification by a shipyard worker. Due to real-time measurements, this process is also much more accurate and safe, with alerts sent to interested parties automatically after paint particles are detected. Photographs with timestamps are saved, so that the precise moment of spattering may be established, and risk of environmental loss be mitigated.
In cooperation with Skywarn Polska (Polish Storm Chasers), LINK4 shares a weather alert system with clients who took out real property and MOD insurance. In the event of a dangerous weather event, Clients receive a text message with a warning and link to a website where they can learn how to safeguard against the adverse impact of respective weather events.
Best practices of subsidiaries
For many years, PZU has been conducting underwriting exercises for large clients such as industrial facilities, which allows the insurer to set the premium. A detailed outcome of the underwriting exercise along with eventbased scenarios are presented to the client. The underwriting covers business risks, which are often combined with environmental risks. For this reason, the actions taken by the client to eliminate or reduce certain elements of its risks, even if induced solely by an attempt to suppress insurance costs, contribute to diminishing the risks to the environment or humans.
TUW PZUW conducts regular risk analyses and issues recommendations on how to augment safety. The recommendations issued by PZUW’s risk engineers to enterprises classified as Large Risk Establishments (ZDRs) and Higher Risk Establishments (ZZWs) reduce the risk of industrial failures and minimize their impact on humans and the environment.
TUW PZUW has an offer for waste management entities which in particular promotes pro-environmental ways of disposing waste, i.e., building installations for best waste management through, e.g., processing into fertilizers, heat recovery through thermal processing, or alternative fuel generation.